Marine mammals sparked my why. Mental health support provides my how.
All You Need to Know About Life, You Can Learn on the Road to Hana
Head vs. Heart vs. Gut. Navigating the Confusing Jungle of Decision-Making.
Appreciate, Experience, UncategorizedLauren Fritzchiang mai, decision making, diving, dreams come true, elephants, follow your heart, go with your gut, instinct, instuition, koh phangan, koh tao, live life to the fullest, mind vs- heart, thailand, travel, trekking, wanderlust
A New Kind of Island Life - From Maui to San Juan Island
Experience, Explore, Uncategorized, Pacific Northwest, HawaiiLauren Fritzadventure, island life, marine conservation, marine naturalist, maui, naturalist, San Juan Island, travel, whale watching, San Juan island
A Family Vacay in Sedona - Gettin' my Hippie On
If Ever There Was an Enchanted Island...Kauai Would Be It.
don't eat this cake if you're about to be drug-tested