The Evolution of The Greenest Blue
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Meli on San Juan Island
There is a new academic year upon us, tests looming on the horizon, nerves getting frayed about deadlines and due dates once again. I’m sitting here on the brink of my second year of my PhD, pondering the role of this blog in my life. I started it only four years ago, although writing and art and critical thinking about life’s mysteries have all been a part of my life for much longer. But as my societally-applied job roles change and my goals shift, I’m left trying to figure out how to weave together these different threads that are all so important to me…to maintain my sense of self in a cohesive fashion, while staying open to growth.
I’ve already reflected on how the blog has changed. It actually started as “Salt and Snow,” my very first travel and work blog that explored my life in marine tourism from salty Hawaii to snowy Washington. The first iteration of “The Greenest Blue” was a blog designed to showcase how to live a greener lifestyle in order to protect the marine ecosystems I was learning about, blended with my experiences living abroad and working on the water. Aspects of spirituality and my relationship with the natural world became more of a common theme in my posts. Writing was deeply therapeutic for me; as I experienced more of life, I developed more questions, and writing was a way for me to “ponder out loud.” The blog shifted more towards mental health and its relationship to conservation as the pandemic rose to the forefront of current events. I found myself struggling to find sense and meaning, as so many others did. I posted less frequently and found little joy in writing during that time. And as my life path led me to graduate school, I found even less time for writing, though I knew in the back of my mind that the act of sitting and typing/writing out my thoughts would be beneficial.
And now I’m here, as I mentioned, in the second year of my PhD. I’ve finished most of my classes, for the most part, and am now focused on taking and passing my departmental exam. I’m also prepping for an exciting and busy field season in the Antarctic this winter (more on that later!). But I still want to write. And I want it to be useful to someone apart from myself.
So I’m turning this question to you, whoever you are that finds yourself reading my blog today (Mom, Dad, family, friends, random internet searcher). What would you like to see me write more about? What is helpful for you? What sparks your curiosity? Or, what is interesting to you?
Grad school? My experiences navigating a PhD program?
Whales? Whale research? The path to becoming a whale scientist?
Traveling? New experiences?
Mental health? Managing anxiety and depression? Self-care?
Vegan dining options in various cities?
Conservation issues and what we can do to help?
Activism on a social and environmental level? They are interrelated!!
The ethics of marine tourism? How to experience the natural world ethically and consciously?
How to get visas to work or study abroad?
Fascinating ocean news or facts?
Really, I’ve been writing about all of these things and will probably continue to do so. But I’d love to hear your ideas, so feel free to send me a comment below, DM me on Instagram, or shoot an email to