Posts tagged salish sea
Moving to Santa Cruz

How’s summer 2021 going for you? How are you handling the news, the chaos, the uncertainty? I’m constantly on the world’s rockiest rollercoaster of emotions, especially lately - I’ve just moved to Santa Cruz, where I’ll be starting grad school in the next couple of weeks. I’m taking classes for my first year before transitioning into research/TA mode.

To say I’m excited would be an understatement.

To say I’m ready for a change, and have been ready for a while…also an understatement.

Six months ago, I didn’t know what form this change would take, or where, or how, or when, but I’ve been open to it, and here I am. I’m supremely excited to make friends knowing I’ll be in this one spot for a long time (multiple years, what??!!??), find a favorite yoga studio, find my coffee shop (both of which I think I found today).

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Moving Mountains with Photography - A Chat with Landscape Photographer Luke Praschak

Luke is an amazing friend. We met thanks to our mutual use of Facebook marketplace and Sony camera systems, and immediately clicked with our passions for content creation and nature. I fondly remember our first meeting at the Salty Fox coffee shop across from the Friday Harbor Ferry Terminal, oat milk lattes and bright summer sun lighting up the conversation and the streets. I don’t want to give away too much of Luke’s story (he’s going to share it down below), but what I will do is warn you to prepare yourselves to be blown away by the beauty of his photographs. He specializes in landscape photography, mainly of the North Cascades. San Juan Island residents are blessed to have this national park essentially in their park yard, and in my opinion its one of the hidden gems of our national park system in the U.S. A bit removed and not as easily accessed as the others, I think it provides every bit of the magic and breathtaking alpine views of the more popular Glacier, Ranier, and Olympic National Parks without the gawking crowds.

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A Chat with Whale Watch Captain & Naturalist Sarah McCullagh - Friday Harbor, WA

I had the privilege of chatting with the wonderful Sarah McCullagh, who has been in my life since the spring of 2016 when she chatted on the phone with me to interview me for my second naturalist position, up in the Pacific Northwest. Sarah is one of the most passionate, well-spoken, and understanding advocates for the Southern Resident Killer Whales and marine ecosystem in general that I have ever met, and I’ve been so appreciative of all the time I’ve had to learn from her. She’s one of those wildly intelligent gals who knows each of the Southern Residents by sight and can launch into detailed explanations of each of their life histories instantly. I admire that passion so much.

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