Posts tagged plastic-free oral care
How to Jump into a Plastic-free Oral Care Routine: Keeping the Pearly Whites Eco-Friendly

Plastic sucks, plastic is bad, plastic doesn’t biodegrade, plastic kills animals, plastic is in our food…

We all get it. It’s probably not beneficial to keep hearing all of those facts in that manner, either, because the more we hear the negatives, the more we tend to tune out and focus our attention elsewhere for the sake of our sanity. But NO! There’s a different way, ya’ll. Let’s dive into some positive living! I can’t be the only one sick of hearing all this blibber blabber of negativity.

I saw a really amazing Green Dreamer post on Instagram the other day about the importance of not thinking about “fixing” the shit we’re doing to the planet - instead, how about we radiate some positivity into the future, produce more good things, and take positive action? It may sound like one and the same, and the actions may indeed be identical, but it’s all about the mindset behind the motion.

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