Posts in Self-Care
Managing Your Media Diet: Taking Conscious Control of the Energy You’re Absorbing

I can’t imagine a more timely occasion to write a post on the importance of managing our “media diet,” a concept I was introduced to by the beautiful and talented Cleo Wade. Cleo is a writer and community builder who shares poetry, artwork, and prose to motivate and inspire others to create change through a strong commitment, both individually and collectively, to self-care and social justice. New York magazine calls her the “millenial Oprah,” and after reading her most recent collection Where to Begin (about the ideas, mantras, and poems Cleo says she turns to “when I feel like I am losing it”), I kind of have to agree. me more “me” time, and also a lesson in compassion, because we’re not doing this only for ourselves. The young and healthy have a responsibility to stop the spread of the virus by being mindful of their actions, so that we don’t spread it to those that are immunocompromised. This is a lesson in solidarity and compassion.

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Self-Care for Self-Quarantine: 10 Meaningful Ways to Spend Your Time During the COVID-19 Crisis

These quarantines (whether mandatory or recommended) mean we are in a forced retreat! HOW COOL IS THAT? We’re being ASKED to stay home and take care of ourselves. In a society that’s usually asking us to “DO DO DO” and “GIVE GIVE GIVE” and “BUY BUY BUY,” we’re being asked to reduce our social interactions, work from home, and keep ourselves healthy. Some more “me” time, and also a lesson in compassion, because we’re not doing this only for ourselves. The young and healthy have a responsibility to stop the spread of the virus by being mindful of their actions, so that we don’t spread it to those that are immunocompromised. This is a lesson in solidarity and compassion.

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How to Jump into a Plastic-free Oral Care Routine: Keeping the Pearly Whites Eco-Friendly

Plastic sucks, plastic is bad, plastic doesn’t biodegrade, plastic kills animals, plastic is in our food…

We all get it. It’s probably not beneficial to keep hearing all of those facts in that manner, either, because the more we hear the negatives, the more we tend to tune out and focus our attention elsewhere for the sake of our sanity. But NO! There’s a different way, ya’ll. Let’s dive into some positive living! I can’t be the only one sick of hearing all this blibber blabber of negativity.

I saw a really amazing Green Dreamer post on Instagram the other day about the importance of not thinking about “fixing” the shit we’re doing to the planet - instead, how about we radiate some positivity into the future, produce more good things, and take positive action? It may sound like one and the same, and the actions may indeed be identical, but it’s all about the mindset behind the motion.

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Give Love, Not Stuff - Making New Holiday Traditions for a Greener World

With Thanksgiving fast approaching and Christmas and New Year’s not far off on the horizon, my life vibes are shifting quickly into holiday mode. I’m basically starting to think about how to let people in my life know how much I appreciate them, and although I shouldn’t need the holiday season around to remind me to do this, it’s a nice nudge.

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Lemons, Heart Rate, Stillness, and Writing - My Morning Ritual & Self-Care for a Better Planet

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about routines and rituals. Specifically, I’ve been contemplating how important they can be for our mental and emotional health, and how sometimes, even maintaining a semblance of ordinary or familiarity can help you adjust to challenging new situations that would otherwise be rather anxiety-inducing. I’ve started keeping a few different routines over the past several months. Right now, in hindsight, I find this interesting, as my mantras used to be evolve or be left behind, accept change, adapt constantly, don’t get attached to things that you attribute to your identity, you are constantly in metamorphosis… I never liked the idea of a routine. I thought I would be wasting opportunities to try something new if I kept repeating old habits.

But maybe the real beauty lies in the fact that you can enjoy self-transformation while staying consistent and true to actions that are serving you - i.e. some sort of routine

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