Posts tagged sustainable living
How to Jump into a Plastic-free Oral Care Routine: Keeping the Pearly Whites Eco-Friendly

Plastic sucks, plastic is bad, plastic doesn’t biodegrade, plastic kills animals, plastic is in our food…

We all get it. It’s probably not beneficial to keep hearing all of those facts in that manner, either, because the more we hear the negatives, the more we tend to tune out and focus our attention elsewhere for the sake of our sanity. But NO! There’s a different way, ya’ll. Let’s dive into some positive living! I can’t be the only one sick of hearing all this blibber blabber of negativity.

I saw a really amazing Green Dreamer post on Instagram the other day about the importance of not thinking about “fixing” the shit we’re doing to the planet - instead, how about we radiate some positivity into the future, produce more good things, and take positive action? It may sound like one and the same, and the actions may indeed be identical, but it’s all about the mindset behind the motion.

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WHAT? ALL WINES AREN'T VEGAN? The Truth Behind Animal Products in Wine Production

I remember dabbling around in the Kaikoura New World market in New Zealand, looking for a nice birthday wine for my friend. My attention was immediately drawn to a label that said Vegan Wine. I was dumbfounded. In all of my years as a polite, mindful, wine-sipping twenty-something, I had assumed, no-brainer, that wine was vegan.

It’s GRAPES, people! How much more plant-based can you get?

But seeing this label called to my attention a completely different reality. It is true that, in fact, all wines are not created equal. Yes, they all contain fermented grapes and the bottles that appear on the supermarket shelves are not stuffed full of mysterious animal-byproducts.

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With No "Quick Fixes" in Conservation, How Do Environmentalists Find Balance Between Happiness and Meaning?

I’ve been feeling the need lately to share the confusion that’s been going on in my head, so this post is a bit more of a journal entry, with plenty of relevance to eco-living and the challenges we “green dreamers” face. I hope that by elaborating on my own thoughts, I might reach someone else who needs to hear that there is another human being experiencing the same emotions. The world is encountering a new level of challenging times right now, and I personally recognize and feel this more and more as I get older, experience the world further through travel, and engage in more and more inspiring conversations with people from across the globe. We are all handling the challenges (whether they involve social injustice, climate change, pollution, food shortages, and other sticky issues) differently, because we are all unique individuals with our own brains and different wiring systems. I tend to feel most strongly and passionately about the “eco” side of things; that’s just where my heart lies. I still get angry and flustered and hurt when hearing about other issues - but one girl would go crazy if she poured all of herself into too many concerns.

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#noexcuses - An Eco-Resolution Guide to Actually Reducing Your Waste in 2019

Two weeks into 2019 and it’s going to keep chugging. Does it feel any different than 2018? Not really. But I do have this sensation, this impatience, this sense of urgency that seemed to ring itself in along with the fireworks and champagne on New Year’s Eve two weeks ago. We all have our challenges that we want to tackle in 2019, our resolutions that we’re hoping to stick to, changes we want to implement in our own lifestyles. For those of you whose resolutions involve tackling the issue of plastic pollution and the impracticality of the “throw-away” culture, please read on. This is a guide on realistic changes you can make this year, and how you can actually keep these habits throughout the coming months instead of getting reabsorbed into the old ways. If you feel like I feel on these topics, you’ll realize that our society is fast running out of excuses to not address these issues on a very personal level.

So, 2019, man! #noexcuses.

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